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Biology helps us grasp all the beauty and complexity of our existence


From as far as I can remember, I have been drawn to the intricate wonders of our world. As a kid, I used to read Jacques-Yves Cousteau's encyclopedia that my father owned in his huge bookshelf. I could just sit there on the floor... and stare at all these images of the oceans and the incredible biodiversity they harbour. I knew I would become an oceanographer... or a marine biologist... or simply a biologist, whatever that means ! In retrospective, I think I just wanted to be an explorer. And here I am, doing a Phd in integrative biology at Laval University (Québec, Canada). This is EXACTLY what I am doing : exploring. Exploring the myriad of possibilities this world has to offer in terms of questions... and sometimes answers, but mostly naïve interrogations pertaining to the mechanistic nature of our small and fragile planet.


My main interests are centered around evolutionary biology, genomics, proteomics, molecular ecology and parasitology. The future of biology resides in the synergistic integration of all these different fields, thus providing an innovative approach to important biological realities.



- Phd candidate integrative biology, IBIS - Laval University (since 2013)

- M. Sc. Biology, IBIS - Laval University (2010-2012)

- B. Sc. Biology, Laval University (2006-2010)




- FRNTQ post-graduate scholarship - Phd (2013 to date)

- Leadership award - Sustainable developpment and scientific contribution (2013-2014)

- NSERC post-graduate scholarship - Master's  (2012-2013)

- Leadership award - Sustainable developement and scientific contribution (2012-2013)

- FRNTQ post-graduate scholarship - Master's (2011-2012)

- Leadership award - Sustainable developement and scientific contribution (2010-2011)

"In the long history of humanking (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed." - Charles Darwin

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